Monday, February 14, 2011

Ads are Porn

Far too many advertisements are sexually explicit. Take the super bowl commercials for example. This event is the single most widely viewed television event every year and is notorious for how expensive the air time is for advertisements. There were several ads on from companies like and Sketchers, that displayed scantily clad women in commercials that were highly inappropriate. Also, consider the audience, there are thousands of children watching the game, children are being exposed to these pornographic images. This is completely wrong, and must be changed. I don't care how much money you pay, a company should not be allowed to display these kinds of commercials. There needs to be much stricter regulation for television advertisements, especially when children are watching.


  1. I think ads should be regulated for the children. Children i think can easily be manipulated by the ads.

  2. Also i mean like they already regulate the other ads for like the beer what it going to hurt them to regulate one more ad like inappropriate ones.
